All posts tagged: vision

13 Blockages That Keep People From Becoming Their Best

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The last several years of life have revealed so much to my wife and I.  In the early days, we struggled to get our business up and running.  However, we figured it out, overcame fears, and persevered through struggles to accomplish some significant goals.  Of course, then life hits in a way that is never expected.  Suddenly, the lessons that we didn’t learn on the way up, were made very clear to us on the way back down, as we wrestled to find our footing from poor decisions, complacency, and lack of vision.   

God knew there were some lessons that needed to be learned before really trusting us with the level of success and prosperity that he had in store for us. Thankfully, we were able to learn those lessons, and now we look back at the last several years, thankful for the losses, thankful for the struggles, and thankful for the perspective we have gained through experiencing the pain. 

We have not arrived, but as I look back over those years, having since helped hundreds of people realize their potential, I reflect on some of those things that may have slowed us down at times, and the things I see slow others down.  

With that, I want to give a list of 13 reasons why I see people struggle.  These are in no particular order, and the list is certainly not exhaustive.  They are simply a few things to be aware of, as they could be pitfalls in your journey toward a fulfilled life. 

Kelley Bremer13 Blockages That Keep People From Becoming Their Best
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Tips to Get Your Kids Involved In Winning At Home

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One of the biggest mistakes parents make is leaving their children to the care of the teachers in school. As a parent, you have the power to help your children become winners at home and elsewhere. But just how do you go about that? Parenting seldom comes with a manual. You have to literally run the ropes on your own. Help is on the way!

Here are some tips to get your kids become winners:

Help Them Set Goals

Like everyone else, children need to have both short-term and long-term goals. For long term goals, children need to know what they want to achieve in the coming years. It could be making a step in the education cycle by scoring a certain grade. It could also mean having a vision board in front of them for things they want to have, see, or accomplish in the future.  Most goals ever met were seen in one’s mind LONG before achieving the goal.  It is incredible how the mind goes to work to help one attract to them the vision they set. Short-term goals will help them do the day-to-day actions that will eventually translate to the achievement of the long-term goals.

Teach your kids what setting SMART goals involves. Help them think about what they want to become as adults. Well-defined goals should guide them in everything they do whether at home or in school.

Find Ways for Them to Earn Money

There is one thing that you must teach your children

Kelley BremerTips to Get Your Kids Involved In Winning At Home
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